Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Snowy Super Bowl Sunday

Right now,  Chicago is in the throws of what could be an 18-inch snowstorm,  dubbed Winter Storm Linus by the Weather channel folks.  It began snowing around 7:45 last evening (Sat 1/31) and still snowing as I write this (6:50PM on Sun 2/1).  The Super Bowl is also going on at this time,  but not being into football,  I'm content with just hanging out.  Last year at this time,  I was down in Haiti on this very weekend,  and missed all the football hype.  This year,  since I'm at home,  just not motivated to watch the big game.  Usually if I'm at a gathering or a party of some sort,  I at least have a little motivation to view the pigskin being tossed to and fro.  Snow and wind continue to rage outside,  putting a stop to many Super Bowl parties in the Chicago area.  I did read somewhere that this day,  Super Bowl Sunday,  as a "celebration of American Materialism".  That may be true to an extent.  It's also an excuse to hang out with friends,  drink some beverages,  chute the breeze,  and enjoy the company of good friends,  all the while with the game on the big screen in the background.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Here We Go Again

Happy 2015!  The year of kindness is here!  It's going to be an amazing year.  After a dissappointing 2014 the international ministry is picking up.  I'm also in a better place this year than last year at this time. 

One thing not changing is a visit from an unwelcome guest known as Polar Vortex.  Like at this same time last year,  it will descend on Chicago tomorrow night (Sun 1/4) and linger through the week.  It will be a shock after the mild December Chicago just had.

How will you make 2015 a great year?  Let's kindle the kindness once again

Saturday, September 20, 2014

A World Spinning Out Of Control

Maybe you have noticed lately the global anxiety that is mounting?  The whole ISIS terrorism thing,  threats to our country,  people irritable and angry,  it's even beginning to scare me a little.  Everywhere you go someone is angry with someone.  Grudges are held,  and not easily let go.  Hurricanes trapping Chicago area firemen in Mexico,  where they were subject to riots and looting last week.

Where has kindness gone? 

Kindness is inside of everyone.  It's up to us to show it and spread it.

A random act of kindness goes a long way.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Kindness in a Stress-filled society

If you live in a large metropolitan area like I do,  you likely have experienced some stress.  In fact,  I recently heard that a whopping 77% of Americans experience some form of stress everyday. 

We live in a time of much anxiety,  both local and global.  We are anxious about our jobs,  homes,  and whether we will still have them in a few months.  Also heard that lots of stress comes from angry people who we are in forced proximaty with,  such as co-workers who always gripe,  or a boss who always seems to be watching you.

I found out that getting away from these "toxic" people is a great stress-reducer.

Show them some kindness.

Last weekend I spent in the town of Waupun, WI (not far from Fond du Lac) and really enjoyed the laid-back lifestyle.  A far cry from the hectic pace of life in the Chicago suburbs. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Random Kindness

I began attending services at Christ Church of Oak Brook back in late November,  and have got plugged in there faster than anywhere I've attended so far since back at Willow Creek in the early-mid 1990's.  Went out for lunch after the service today,  with folks I've met since November.  It's still very cold today,  as this harsh winter that will not end is doing just that.

Random acts of kindness can make or break a person.  Some people are lonely and waiting for someone to reach out.  Others are angry,  and waiting to be calmed.  You can't plan a random act of kindness. 

Acts of kindness are not thought highly of in our me-centered and self-indulging culture.  In our blind pursuit of elegance and comfort,  we have all but forgotten about random kindness.  We are in such a rush to get from here to there,  we don't have any time for anything other than ourselves.  Our technology has only further increased our breakneck speed of life,  and we now get angry and impatient with any wait more than a minute,  including a download or internet connection.  We are an anxious,  exhausted,  burned out society,  more now than anytime in history.  We have no time other than our relentless pursuit of more,  but more of what?  Enough is just not enough,  but what are we looking for anyway?

In other countries I have traveled to,  time is all they have.  Life in Haiti and Africa is devoid of modern technology and convieniences,  but people seem to be much more happy and fulfilled than us Americans are.  Yes,  their life is hard too,  but they seem to know how/when to slow down.

This week,  take some time to slow down,  catch your breath,  and choose kindness.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What's Next - Kindling the Kindness

Normally on Thursday evenings I participate in a Bible study small group down in Naperville,  but just heard the traffic reports,  and both highways I use from Schaumburg to Naperville are totally gridlocked with traffic,  snarled by this evening's rain and fog.  At least it's not snow,  we'll get more of that here next week.  It's the 4th time I have had to miss out on attending these meetings due to bad traffic.  So now I once again find myself with an open Thursday evening

So - I'll use this time to think,  ponder,  and pray about where I should travel to next.  I did travel to Haiti about 3 weeks ago to hang out with orphaned children,  and also visited a slum,  which was very eye-opening.  Kindness will hopefully be re-kindled soon. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What is Kindness?

Kindness is compassion to the fullest extent.  It's not thought very highly of in our self-indulging culture,  but is greatly respected by everyone.

Let's bring back the kindness!